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Owner & Creator of the Site:

CROWNE PLAZA PARIS-RÉPUBLIQUE – operated by W.E.I. PARIS REPUBLIQUE SAS, under the license of IHG Hotels Limited,
with a capital of €2,600,000 – RC Paris 70 B 01070 – Siret 702 010 703 00065 – NAF 5510 Z – VAT number FR 34 702 010 703

Website Hosting: Wix

Headquarters: 10, Place de la République, 75011 Paris, France

Photo and Text Credits: All photos and texts on this site are the property of W.E.I. PARIS REPUBLIQUE SAS, in accordance with the current copyright laws.

In accordance with the law, all photographs and texts on this site may not be downloaded, reproduced, or printed.

Terms of Use: The content available on the website, including texts, images, and photos, is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property laws and is protected by the French Intellectual Property Code. All reproduction rights are reserved, particularly for iconographic and photographic documents.

Any use or total or partial representation of this site, by any means, is strictly prohibited without prior authorization from Anaïs Desnoix, and would constitute infringement punishable under Articles L 355-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.

However, sharing content from the site on social media is allowed provided that the following conditions are met: the distribution, representation, and publication of the photos on social media for private use only are permitted, as long as the ownership of the works is respected. The description of the photo(s) must explicitly and unambiguously include the mention “© Crowne Plaza Paris République” along with a link to this site or relevant social media, where applicable.


This privacy policy aims to inform you about my policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of any information you submit through my website.

Data Processing Responsibility: CROWNE PLAZA PARIS-RÉPUBLIQUE is responsible for processing your data collected on its website

Purpose of the Data: The data collected is used, with your consent, to send monthly newsletters or to contact you in case of a query or any other need (reservation, complaints, etc.).

Contact Form: When you fill out the contact form on the website, your data such as name, surname, email address, or any other personal and/or professional information specified in the message or elsewhere is collected to allow us to contact you in return.

Disclosure of Your Data: CROWNE PLAZA PARIS-RÉPUBLIQUE does not sell, rent, or share your information with third parties. No information you provide will be disclosed.

Access Rights and Complaints: As the data holder, you have the right to access, update, correct inaccurate data, or request the deletion of your data. You also have the right to file a complaint regarding any issues related to the processing of these data.

You can exercise these rights by sending an email to

Data Security: We are committed to taking all necessary measures to protect the data entrusted to us by our clients.

Data Retention Period: We retain your information for as long as necessary to provide the services you requested or for other essential reasons such as complying with legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our policies.

Statistics and Audience Measurement: Cookies track your browsing for statistical purposes to provide you with a better experience.

Equality Between Women and Men:

At the Crowne Plaza Paris République, we ensure equal treatment between men and women. This is why the score for the Women/Men Professional Equality Index (for the year 2025 based on 2024 data) is 84/100.​​

+ 33 (0)143144408

© 2025 by La Terrasse du Crowne Plaza. Created with

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